Cyanotype Camera
Someone down the street threw out an old rear-projection television, so I tore the lenses out of it and made a camera out of one of them. It can capture images on cyanotype paper and cyanotype gelatine on glass. Rear-projection…

The Assassination of Kurahara
One of my favourite movie scenes is the assassination of Kurahara in Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) I think it’s one of most arresting scenes ever filmed. Yukio Mashima was one of the most important authors in post-war…

VIC-20 Tetris
Wrote Tetris in 6502 assembly for the Commodore VIC-20. You can find it here. Collision detection is a mess, and the sound effects are primitive. Flicker is also a problem. The pros are able to synchronize rendering with the scan…

Scenes From the Cold War in Canada
Flight of Avro CF-100s from 414 squadron, June 1969. Canadair CT-114 trainers, late 1960s. 26118 was lost in a fatal accident in 1978 while being operated as Snowbird 8.

PowerShell ANSI Art
Recent versions of the Windows console support RGB ANSI colors. Here’s a script that outputs an image to the console, useful for when you feel the need to beautify the user experience of some backup script. It repeatedly samples parts…

More Books
I have been experimenting with paper marbling and have managed to get some results good enough to cover some small notebooks. The paper is treated with a saturated solution of alum and left to dry overnight. The size is 4tbsp…

VE Day in Montréal
In 1945, my grandmother worked in the Sun Life building in downtown Montréal. A gentleman in her office took pictures of the VE Day celebration from the 17th floor and on Ste-Catherine. He gave copies to my grandmother who passed…

Assessment of Technical Resolutions for 2014
It is with great pride I announce I have met a record 20% of my technical resolutions for 2014. In a feat of raw courage and perseverance I gave serious consideration to the other items well into the spring. I…

Holiday Books
I had been expecting to do some development work on my Android project over the holidays, but I ended up taking a break from programming altogether. I made some little notebooks at my kitchen table instead. I needed a break,…

Homemade Bookcloth
Bookcloth is lovely but hard to find exactly what you want. Making your own is easy, and opens up a whole world of textiles for use your bookbinding projects. Here is the procedure I have been using. Materials: Fabric Rice…