Lancaster B II Footage
Here is some colour footage of Lancaster B IIs from 426 squadron. Unlike other marks, the B II was fitted with radial Hercules VI engines. These engines were popular with crews because they offered a smaller target from below than…

Presenation on Jenkins
Here is a Prezi presentation I made to explain Jenkins and the advantages of using it for process automation. The audience was mostly non-technical. Jenkins CI: What it Is, What it Does, and Why it Matters
Programming Post
In this post I will discuss a simple programming problem which I have solved. Writing it allows me to pad out my blog. I’ll write about how the super-cool project I’m working on was nearly derailed by the problem. I…

Cuban Cue Chalk Challenge
I spent some of the holidays at a resort in Veradero, Cuba. I collected about 50 pounds of seashells and spent a lot of time doing nothing at all. One afternoon, I saw a an example of the legendary Cuban…

Technical Resolutions for 2014
I can proudly report 2013 was a sterling success. I met a whopping 16% of my technical objectives. Some may scoff at this success rate, but I can guarantee 2013 will end on schedule at 23:59, December 31st. For this…

Lancaster OW-R
On the night of 22/23 March 1944, RAF Bomber Command sent approximately 6324 airmen into action for its second large raid on Frankfurt. 816 aircraft took part: 12 Mosquito pathfinders, 180 Halifaxes, and 720 Lancasters. A total of 180 men…

Velocity Component for Talend ODI
Talend ODI is my new favourite toy. I recently inherited a Spring Batch project for running a complex chain of XML processing, but decided to put it down after I became frustrated with the amount of work required to make changes….
Highlights from the Java Trials of 2035
Java was outlawed after an on-line hockey pool suffered a gravitational collapse and formed a black hole. It was formed by the mass of RAM needed to run the application exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit. Java programmers went into hiding or…
Abject-Oriented Analysis
The craft of programming is easy to start, but very difficult to master. It’s a long road, littered with the detritus of failed projects, and deep ditches of obsolescence on either side. On we plod. We all have stories of…

Dolphin Facts
Guest post by S. I am writing today because I want to tell you about dolphins. Dolphins are not fish, they are mammals and they are also very intelligent. There are 30 to 40 different types of dolphins. We shouldn’t…