Technical Resolutions for 2014

Technical Resolutions for 2014

I can proudly report 2013 was a sterling success. I met a whopping 16% of my technical objectives. Some may scoff at this success rate, but I can guarantee 2013 will end on schedule at 23:59, December 31st.

For this trip around the sun, I would like to dig into the following:

  • Lean how to use Gatling. I’ve always found setting up a realistic test with JMeter painful, so a new tool is worth a look. Doing so would also give me an change to pick up some Scala.
  • Stop using Eclipse for day-to-day Java work. M2E is killing me. I’ve had enough.
  • Deploy an Android app into the Play Store, just to see how it all works.
  • Learn to use a mocking framework for unit testing. This item is a hold-over from last year.
  • Get on the NoSQL bandwagon by doing something useful with Mongo or CouchDB.